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Genghis Khan and
Mongolian Invasion


Temujin(Genghis Khan) was only a peasant when he began to gather people in Mongolia.  The Ong Khan (ruler at the time) appointed Temujin as an adopted son.  Therefore he could take the throne.  After Genghis Khan was ruler, he invaded China, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Russia, ans many many more.  After he died in combat, his next 4 descendents assumed the throne afterwards and continued on in their ancestor's footsteps.  Soon, some of Europe, and most of Asian were part of the Mongolian Empire.  This was the largest empire the world had ever seen.  Temur Leng* changed all of that.  He went on to try and expand the Mongol border, but failed to establish strong governments in the parts he conquered.  Because of that, the people that were living in those parts were able to drive back the Mongol invaders and push them back to where Mongolia  is now.

*Leng translates to Lame. Thus, Temur leng was more famously known as Temur the Lame.

Genghis Khan's Life (click here)

Kublai Khan: Temujin's Son

After his father died in battle, Kublai was announced Khan.  Kublai Khan wished to complete the invasion of southern China before it could develop  more powerful armies.  Southern China also interested him by its wealthy economy; including granaries and towns along China's southern coast that were prospering from international trade. China would have the largest population and have the greatest resources of any area yet conquered by the Mongols. Kubilai Khan tried to persuade the Song emperor to surrender  peacefully, but when Song rejected the offer, Kublai drove his army of various ethnicities (including Chinese) deeper into China, while his navy, attacked the south along China's coast. The infantry assault took sixteen years, and the invasion was finished in 1276 -- the year after Marco Polo, arrived at Kubilai Khan's capital: Beijing.

Kubilai Khan relied on his military to subdue any rebel attempt by the Chinese . Kubilai Khan ignored China's economy, giving Chinese merchants a temporary break to prepare for more trade.  After confirming his rule in China, Kubilai demanded tribute from Japan and threatened attack if they did not comply.  The Japanese answered that "Their nation had divine origins and therefore was not to be subject to anyone..." and they began preparing a defense. Skeptical about Japan's claim,  Kubilai Khan felt that he could not permit a little island like Japan to withstand him.  In 1274 he launched an assault on Japan from southern Korea -- 
600 to 900 ships,
23,000 troops,
primitive comustible rockets,
and elite longbow archers.
  Bad weather devastated the invasion force forcing them to return from Japan's southern most major island of Kyushu. In the summer of 1281 Kubilai Khan tried again, this time sending some 4000 ships. For fifty-three days the Japanese held the invaders to a narrow beachhead on Kyushu. Then a hurricane struck. The Mongols withdrew again, only half of his force making it back to China.  It would be the last attempt to invade Japan until 1945.

Ogodei Khan
An Alcoholic

Get ready for the upcoming family reunion! It's at Aunt Bertie's this year, so bring your bowling gear and your swimsuits.Also be thinking of which family member could be the following trees in the family grove: the nut tree, the fruity tree, the shady tress, the tree with the most bark, or the evergreen.

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Temur Leng --> AKA Temur The Lame

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